I’ve never been a very confident person. I am a shy introvert, acutely aware of my flaws. I’ve always been comfortable in the background of life or sitting on the sidelines watching the world go by; a bit of a dreamer. I’ve always felt a little like Gideon. In Judges 6:15, Gideon was found to be the least important person in his family and his family was the least important family in his tribe. But as it happens, God had big plans for Gideon. He obeyed God and saved his people from certain destruction. I’ll bet he never saw himself as someone all that important, but God saw greatness in him.
When I make a conscious effort to stay “plugged in”, taking the time I need to spend with God and His Word, the by-product of that for me is music. As I meditate on God’s Word, those words mix with music and start bubbling up in my spirit. Before long, I find myself sitting at the piano singing a few lines of a song. God is our Creator and we are created in His image to be creative. My life is to be a reflection of His. When I accepted Christ, His creativity became part of my spiritual DNA. As I press into Him, my thought processes start to align with His and the result of that is becoming exactly what He wants me to be. All the things I’ve always wanted and dreamed about for myself – my passions align with His dreams for me and when that happens, He gives me the inspiration to write about what is on His heart. You might be thinking, “Yeah but what about what you want for your life?” Well, the things that I have always dreamed about for myself aren’t nearly as satisfying as I thought. God has “knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13) and knows me better than I know myself. He has given me skills and abilities that I didn’t even know were there. When my heart aligns with His, all of those latent abilities and things I didn’t even know I could do, end up being the most fulfilling things and go beyond what I could do myself. God’s grace gives me the power, ability, and confidence to do the things I could never do on my own.
When I write music under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the lyrics are what He wants to say to people and I have the honor of expressing it through the music that I write. There is nothing else I’d rather do. As my thoughts and desires align with His, I am doing the thing that I was created to do and the thing that is most satisfying to me. I may feel like Gideon did (weak and afraid), but as I yield myself to God, just as Gideon did, He can fulfill greatness in me. Because of Gideon’s courage, their enemy was defeated and they enjoyed peace and prosperity for 40 years. (Judges 8:28)