A True Rags to Riches Story
For if by the trespass of the one (Adam), death reigned through the one (Adam), much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in [eternal] life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 (Amplified)
Therefore you are no longer a slave (bond-servant), but a son; and if a son, then also an heir through [the gracious act of] God [through Christ]. Galatians 4:7 (Amplified)
When we understand our identity in Christ, it affects how we think and how we behave. Slaves do not act or think the same way an heir does. As believers in Christ, we are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, King Jesus. We are members of the royal family. What we have makes the British Royal Family look infinitely small and inconsequential in comparison. Our position, authority and mindset are different from that of a slave. Something changes within us when this becomes a reality in our hearts and minds.
One of my favourite stories in the Old Testament is the story of Gideon. He was timid and felt like a nobody, hiding out from the enemies on the threshing floor. Gideon, from the least of the least in terms of tribes, receives a call from God to take on the Midianites, a huge, nomadic group of people who stole from and depleted Israel’s grain and supplies. When the angel came and called Gideon “a mighty man of valour” and told him to “go in his strength”, he obeyed. Gideon certainly didn’t feel like a mighty man of valour. I know for sure that he was afraid but when he agreed with what God said he was and then obeyed, he suddenly realized that he didn’t have to live in fear of the Midianites any longer. As the story unfolded, Gideon saw that when you obey God and go in the strength that you have, (which is stepping out in faith), God will go with you and that is always an unbeatable combination. Our obeying God’s voice + our stepping out in faith with the strength that we have + God going with us supplying us with provision and adding His strength = Victory.
The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this strength of yours and save Israel from the hand of Midian. Have I not sent you?” Judges 6:14 (Amplified)
We don’t live in the Old Testament anymore. Now, we are under the new covenant, but what does that really mean?
“The New Covenant provision is made not only for the complete restoration of man from the consequences of the fall, but through it man is even elevated to a condition higher than we had before the fall. The new creation man does not just walk with God, but we have God living in us. This is beyond the comprehension of even the angels. The Lord not only gives those who will obey Him eternal life, but He even makes them sons and daughters. He even comes to live in them. In return, we have nothing to give Him but love and obedience. Is He not worthy of the devotion and obedience of even every thought that we have?” Unshakeable Faith by Rick Joyner
As sons and daughters, we need to understand that we have authority and dominion in Christ Jesus. Becoming aware of who we are in Him and embracing the authority that is in Jesus is part of our relationship with Him and reveals to us what our true identity is in Him. It doesn’t matter what your education, economic worth or social status is. The only thing that connects us to Him is our relationship with Him.
We need not search for significance any longer when we find our true value, worth and identity in Christ. He sees us and loves us while we are still enslaved to sin. When we accept what He did for us, repent and receive Him into our hearts, He promotes us from a slave to an heir. I am now a daughter of the King; a member of the royal family of Heaven with all the rights, privileges and authority of Jesus and His Kingdom backing me up. I can confidently step out in faith as I live my life in obedience to His calling and do great things for Him. In the book of Daniel, it says, “But the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits” (Dan.11: 32). Gideon certainly learned that when he obeyed God and stepped out in faith, God was there and gave him the victory over the Midianites.
I want to have ears that hear His voice. I want to be quick to obey, despite my fears. I want to have a tender conscience to live a life that is pleasing to Him. I want my life to have a lasting eternal purpose and just like it says in Daniel 11:32, I want to know God and be strong and carry out great exploits. Everything we do for Him has eternal value – everything. That is as significant as it gets, folks!