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Unlocking Your Divine DNA

Who am I and what was I created for? Many spend most of their lives trying to figure this out. We live in a day and age where it seems like the younger generations struggle to find their identity. Where we choose to secure our identity sets the course for our lives.

We all have a natural family lineage and a shared DNA from our parents. Some have had fairly good parenting and some have had difficult childhoods. We live in a fallen, sinful world and it is difficult not to be influenced by it and pass down our failures to the next generation.

When we surrender our lives to Christ we are made new – an entirely new creation. Now we not only have a natural DNA but we also have a spiritual DNA. Our Father God wants to bring us out of the false, unredeemed identity of brokenness, shame, fear, control, rejection and jealousy into the fullness of Him so that His spiritual DNA for our lives is expressed. God, having created the universe, the planet we live on and all the life that lives on it, is the very essence of creativity. Part of our spiritual DNA is creativity. He has placed seeds of creativity and greatness within us that are unleashed as we spend time with Him and those creative pursuits align with His will and purposes for our lives. The things that we long for in our lives are the very things God has birthed within us

Just as a child emulates his parents as he grows up, when we become born again with God as our Heavenly Father, we are to become a reflection of Him. The more time we spend with Him the more we become like Him, reflecting, revealing and releasing the Glory of God in the earth. When God looks at you He sees you flowing in the fullness of what He has placed inside you, affecting a generation and revealing His Glory to a hurt and dying world. All the while, covering our weaknesses, building us up, celebrating our victories and loving us in spite of our shortcomings. Oh, and there is more; He wants us to experience fullness of joy and an abundant life right now! Why – because He loves us so much!

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” A life lived in total submission to the will of the Father brings total fulfillment and the uninhibited release of creative expression.

Our inheritance in Christ: God has promised the secrets of the Kingdom as your inheritance (Luke 8:10). In his book, Unlocking the Heart of the Artist, Matt Tommey says,

“That means God has ideas, strategies and insight into situations you are passionate about and He wants to reveal those strategies to you in order to see His Kingdom established in the earth. He has chosen to use you to do the works of the Kingdom in power in your generation. Are you able to see that God wants you to be fully alive in Him, fully engaged in your passions and fully submitted to Him, and that your delight, your heart and your passions are rooted in Him? As you make that the posture of your life and creative flow, He will pour into you and through you what the Bible calls the secrets of the Kingdom.”

2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him”.

God already knows about the problems we face and He has secret knowledge of how to fix them. As we yield ourselves to Him and are empowered and led by His Spirit, He will reveal this knowledge to us.

Matt goes on to say,

“Receive this into your heart right now! God has created you with a divine DNA, full of His creativity and power. He wants to pour through you in such magnificent ways that everything you put our hand to will usher in His Kingdom and release His Glory. Your creative expression is a window to the heart of God designed for Him to flow His presence through in order to touch the lives of His people and change the earth.
So we all have a choice. From whom will we receive our lineage; from our old nature or from Christ? Even though there may be patterns engrained in you from the old identity, God has already realigned your spiritual DNA in Christ so that everything Christ has, you have. Now it is up to you to receive His finished work and allow God to break your old patterns and establish new ones. God wants to see you healed, whole and restored so that everywhere you place your foot – you take the Kingdom!”


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